Ben PetersPortfolio Manager

Ben has been a manager of Evenlode Global Dividend since launch in May 2018, and has worked on Evenlode Income since launch in 2009.

  • BSc (First Class) Astrophysics, UCLDPhil Nanoelectronics, University of Oxford
  • CFA (Level 1), IMC
  • 16 years
    17 years
Chris ElliottPortfolio Manager

Chris has been a manager of Evenlode Global Dividend since launch in November 2017 and Evenlode Global Equity, which launched in July 2020.

  • MA Economics, Cambridge University
  • CFA
  • 10 years
    10 years
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Key facts

Fund size
Historic yield
Comparator BenchmarkMSCI World
Morningstar categoryEAA Fund Global Equity Income
Launch date16 May 2018
Fund typeIrish Domiciled UCITS
Base currencyUSD
Dividend frequencyQuarterly
Country of registrationDenmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
SFDR disclosureArticle 8

Fund objective

The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term total returns with an emphasis on income.

Source: Société Générale Securities Services, SGSS (Ireland) Limited as at 31/01/2025.