Research & Insight
19 Aug 2024What should investors do when fundamentals and momentum diverge?
As our investors will know, we are solely focused on building concentrated portfolios of companies which enjoy resilient competitive advantages. The sustainable pricing power from these advantages yields durable and predictable cashflow growth with high capital efficiency as expressed in return on investment capital (ROIC). In our experience, there has been a persistent excess return associated with companies which have these sorts of competitive advantages, but these advantages are challenging to identify ex ante and require a large qualitative research effort. We also actively manage valuation and other company-idiosyncratic risks like leverage and cyclicality.
The focus on competitive advantages produces a portfolio which enjoys gross margin, ROIC, leverage, and revenue growth markedly superior to the broader MSCI World index which we use as a comparator benchmark, and also materially ‘out of index’ in its sector composition, with zero weights to materials, real estate, energy, utilities, banks, and insurers.
Attributes | IFSL Evenlode Global Equity | MSCI World Index |
No. of securities | 33 | 1,429 |
Median market cap (USD bn) | 60.0 | 15.7 |
Return on invested capital (ROIC) (%) | 12.0 | 4.8 |
Revenue growth (5-year CAGR) (%) | 8.2 | 6.3 |
Gross margin (%) | 56.6 | 31.7 |
Net debt/EBITDA (x) | 1.1 | 1.5 |
Carbon Intensity | 0.02 | 0.66 |
Active Share (%) | 86.0 | N/A |
Unsurprisingly, it has historically traded at a premium to the broader index, as shown in this case using free cashflow yield (FCFY) as a valuation tool.
Source: Bloomberg 30 July 2024
There is a tension between valuation as shown by next-twelve-month FCF and the reinvestment required to sustain a competitive advantage, so we do not use FCFY as a primary valuation tool. Instead, we must quality-adjust a company’s earnings and cashflow to reward companies for proactive reinvestment in line items such as research and development (R&D) and advertising and promotion (A&P). This makes it all the more remarkable to us that the portfolio’s forward FCFY, based on Visible consensus numbers, is now higher (i.e. cheaper) than that of the index, having been consistently lower (i.e. more expensive) since the strategy’s inception in July 2020. This is as a result of the powerful and concentrated rally in a small sub-set of stocks so far this year, concentrated in the semiconductor sector. This rally has driven a historic level of outperformance for the Momentum factor vs. the broader index (as shown in the chart below).
Source: FE Analytics 30 June 2024
The MSCI World index returned 12% in the year to June 30 2024 vs. 3% for the equal-weighted Index, showing the degree of concentration in a handful of winners. Our valuation discipline and our tendency to underweight cyclical sectors meant that the Evenlode Global Equity Strategy has materially lagged the headline index year to date. Reassuringly, this divergence in share prices has not been matched by a divergence in company earnings. Based on our bottom up calculations, portfolio revenue and earnings growth continues to outpace the index through the first and second quarter 2024 reporting seasons.
Our investment philosophy’s focus on persistence of cashflow growth means that we will always follow the signals given by company earnings results rather than share prices. While this can be painful in the short term, the history of stock markets shows the truth of the old adage that in the short term the market is a voting machine, in the long term it is a weighing machine. When the momentum factor becomes unusually detached from sustainable earnings quality, as we believe it has done now, it has a tendency to unwind violently. Evenlode’s focus on managing valuation and other risks such as leverage and cyclicality has historically held its strategies in good stead during times of market disorder. While we cannot predict when the markets will normalise, we think it is inevitable.
Recent market action has demonstrated that risk has indeed accumulated as momentum ran ahead of the broader index. So far Evenlode’s portfolios have proved resilient even despite at times indiscriminate selling probably caused by forced deleveraging of some market participants. In this disordered context, we would like to reassure our investors that our primary focus remains company fundamentals. Based on the first and second quarter reporting seasons, we are confident that our portfolio is on pace to growth both revenue and earnings per share materially ahead of the MSCI World Index as a whole.
Going back to the introductory question, when share prices are telling you one thing, and earnings growth, persistence, and cost (in the sense of valuations) are telling you another, we are always perfectly happy to follow the fundamentals.
Sources: Bloomberg, Evenlode, MSCI, 30 June 2024 Evenlode, CDP 2023 Full GHG Emissions Dataset as at 29 December 2023. IFSL Evenlode, implied holding period based on fund portfolio turnover from 15 July 2020 to 30 June 2024. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Please see ‘important information’ to the left of this entry.